White egg
Hen’s egg contain an inner fluid or white egg which contains half of the protein but no cholesterol. Protein protect the yolk from bacteria, such as avidin, which binds the B vitamin biotin.
It’s only important vitamin is riboflavin (vitamin B2), a visible vitamin that gives egg white a slightly greenish cast.
The calorie content of whole egg is 75. Seventeen calories are from egg white and 58 calories from yolk. Of the 6.25 g egg protein, 3.5 g are in the white and 2.75 g in the yolk.
Since the white egg is mostly protein, this is why with egg coagulate or cook before the yolks do.
The white egg represent approximately 58% of the weight.
The white does not appear white in color until beaten or cooked.
Apart from protein it also contain approximately 87% water and 1 % carbohydrate.
The white egg or albumin is the most allergenic part of the egg. Many baked products that have a yellow color or shiny glaze are made with eggs or egg whites.
Egg whites are often used a clarifying agent in broths or soups. It is also used in meringues, cakes and desserts.