Mycotoxins in food

Many cereal and other crops are susceptible to fungal attack either in the field or during storage.

The contamination of food and animal feeds with mycotoxins is a worldwide problem, while mycotoxins occurs more frequently under tropical conditions as a result of environment conditions in the field coupled with improper harvesting and bad storage.

Many mycotoxins were initially identified after they had caused a variety of subacute health problems in livestock as well as humans, with many target organs and system affected.

The FAO has estimated that up to 25% of the world’s food crops are significantly contaminated with mycotoxins and that the food losses amount to one billion tons per year.

Fungal infection and subsequently mycotoxins formation can occur in the field, during harvesting or during storage period and processing.

To prevent mycotoxins from entering the food production chain, controls should preferably be applied at the raw materials stage.
Mycotoxins in food

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