The property of spearmint herb

Spearmint oil comes from Mentha spicata. Spearmint is a perennial that reaches 2 feet and spreads by underground root runners. It is hardy branched plant with bright green, lance shaped, sharply toothed leaves, and white flowers clustered in the form of spikes.

Spearmint is a good source of vitamins A and C and a minor source of B complex, calcium, sulphur, iron, iodine, magnesium, and potassium.

The chief constituent of its volatile oil is carvene, but the esters of acetic, butyric and caproic or caprylic acids are the constituents that are responsible for the distinctive scent and flavor of spearmint.

Spearmint oil is steam-distilled from the flowering tops of the plants. The pale yellow to olive colored oil sells warm and slightly herbaceous, with the characteristics powerful, penetrating mint odor.

Parts used include leaves and essential oil. Dried leaf is sold as while, as flakes, chopped and fine or coarse.
Spearmint has a fresh, minty, weedy, aroma. It is also very aromatic, sweet, green, minty, cooling, slightly pungent with lemony and sweetish notes.
The property of spearmint herb

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