Food group of bread, other cereals and potatoes

Foods are divided into food groups. Within the Balance of Good Health model there are:
*Fruits and vegetables
*Breads, cereals and potatoes
*Milk and diary
*Meat, fish and alternatives
*Food containing fat and sugar

Bread, other cereals and potatoes are good sources of starch, and about a third of the food eaten should come from this group.

Commercial whole wheat bread often contains more white flour than whole wheat. It offers some iron and thiamine, both essential for healthy blood and high energy levels. It’s low in fat and cholesterol.

Wheat is used most in bread products because of its unique and functional-making properties. Although there will be some small changes in the nutritional qualities as a result of the milling and baking process, wheat-based breads continue to provide significant sources protein, complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin and minerals.

Major cereals include wheat, rice, corn, and barley. Wheat and rice are the most important cereals with regard to human nutrition and they account for 55% of the total cereal production.

Cereals are the important sources of protein especially for vegetarian and people who eat only a small amount so food or animal origin.

Nutritionally, they are important sources of dietary protein, carbohydrates, the B group vitamins, vitamin E, iron, trace minerals and fibers.

Potatoes are rich in carbohydrates and vitamin A.  They are good source of calcium, potassium, sulphur, iron, folic acid and copper.

Potatoes contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant properties. Eating the skins of starchy vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes helps to increase dietary fiber.
Food group of bread, other cereals and potatoes 

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