Alkaline noodles processing

The ingredients (300 g flour, 96 ml water, Na2CO3 - 2.7 g and K2CO3 -0.3 g) are mixed in a mixer for 1 min at slow speed, 1 min at fast speed m and then for 3 min at slow speed.

The dough balls are sheeted between steel rollers, 2.75 mm apart.

The dough sheet is often relax the gluten structure before one or two combined dough sheets are passed through a further sequence of 3-7 rollers. The clearance successively reduced to 2.5, 2.0 and 1.5 mm. It is to reduce the sheet to its final thickness.

Sheets are cut into strands using slotted cutting roles to produce noodles of 0.6 – 6.0 mm wide, which are then cut to lengths of 180 – 260 mm.

After standing for 3 h at 25 degree C, the noodles are placed in wire mesh and cooled in boiling water until the uncooked core has just disappeared (about 5 min). The noodle are cooled and then coated with oil to keep the strands from sticking together.

Cooked noodles, packed in plastic pouches with a packet of soup or sauce, are a convenience food.
Alkaline noodles processing 

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