Characteristics of acesulfame K

Acesulfame K is a white, non-hygroscopic crystalline; at room temperature solubility (270 g/l) in water, poor in organic solvent, but increases in solvent water mixtures. Acesulfame K can be stored for many years in solid form without visible or analytical detectable changes.

It has no sharp melting point, but decomposes at about 225 degree C. Acesulfame K is extremely stable in the solid state and even in the low pH environment of soft drinks.

In aqueous media, acesulfame K is distinguished by very good stability. After several months of storage at room temperature, virtually no change in acesulfame K concentration was found in the pH range common for beverages.

Acesulfame K is similar on structure to saccharin, but about half as sweet. Acesulfame K is stable under heating conditions used in the processing of foods. Pasteurization or ultra temperature (UHT) treatment used for dairy products does not result in any loss of acesulfame K.

Acesulfame K is not metabolized by the body. It is absorbed by the intestinal tract and quickly and completely executed. Because acesulfame K is excreted completely unmetabolized, it does not have any caloric value.
Characteristics of acesulfame K

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