Red wine vinegar flavor

Red wine vinegar, like apple cider vinegar, has been used for centuries for both medicinal and culinary purpose.

If the label reads either ‘red’, ‘white’, or ‘champagne’ wine vinegar, it’s made from 100% pure grape wine. Bacteria have converted the alcohol in the wine to acetic acid.

The earliest method for making it involved leaving wine in an open container and waiting for it to sour.

The acidity level must be at least 6%. Wine vinegar is aged in casks where it develops its typical aroma. 

Wine vinegar comes in red and white varieties. Because it’s made with red wine, the red variety has a strong, full flavor.

Red wine vinegar is stronger in flavor than white wine vinegar, it blends with herbs especially rosemary, garlic, onions and black pepper. Other best flavoring combination are savory sage, bay leaf and basil. Red wine vinegar is most often used as a marinade or in vinaigrette.

Flavored red wine vinegars also makes an excellent addition to soups, stews, meats and salad dressing.
Red wine vinegar flavor

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