Introduction to agribusiness

The dynamics of the agribusiness world are extremely complicated. The United States’ agricultural industry goal is to provide a safe and reliable food supply for its citizens. The term agribusiness refers to those farms and firms directly involved with agricultural production.

This emphasis on production is what distinguishes agribusiness from other aspects of the food business.

Agribusiness also involves in distribution, and consumption of food, clothing and even shelter.

It includes all economic activity in the food and fiber system, which encompasses the input supply industries, agricultural production and post-harvest, value added activities such as commodity processing, food manufacturing and food distribution.

Agribusiness management is all about adoption and integration of technology in ways that improves people’s well-being.

This process is worthwhile because businesses earn their right to make a profit when their products provide their customers with value – satisfaction that exceeds cost.

Successful agribusiness people utilize all of the information available as they produce marketing plans that require the flexibility to change quickly with the global influences that impact markets on a daily basis.
Introduction to agribusiness

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