Process of food marination
Marinades are usually prepared with one or more acidic foods used to
soften the food and allowing the flavors to be more easily absorbed.
They are usually thin liquids; however, most utilize oil as a carrier of
the flavorings into the food.
Marinating food adds flavor and does not have to add fat. Always
marinate food in glass or ceramic dish in the refrigerator. Never place
the food in a metal container.
Marinades may be used for as short a time as 30 minutes and as long as 2 to 3 days depending on the type of food and the recipe.
Fish should rarely be marinated for more than 30 to 45 minutes,
especially if the marinade contains an acid component, such as wine,
citrus juice or vinegar. Marinate too long will cause the fibers of the
meat to break own, producing an unappealing, mushy texture.
Process of food marination