Batch pasteurization process

The process of pasteurization consists of three steps: heating milk to a specific temperature, holding it at that temperature for a set period, and then rapidly cooling it to below 4°C. Batch pasteurization, also known as low-temperature long time (LTLT) pasteurization, involves heating every bit of milk or milk product using well-designed and operated equipment to a minimum temperature of 69ºC (155ºF). The milk is then continuously maintained at or above that temperature for a minimum of 30 minutes.

For batch pasteurization, a versatile vat is used—a cylindrical tank with insulation and a double jacket. The tank's inner jacket is heated by circulating hot water or steam, and gentle agitation ensures even heating throughout the walls of the tank. Once the required temperature is reached, the milk is held at that level for 30 minutes. After the holding time is complete, the milk can either be cooled within the vat or removed while still hot for each particle. As an alternative approach, the milk may be partially heated in a tubular or plate heater before entering the vat.

In the dairy industry, batch pasteurization is primarily employed to prepare milk for the production of cheese, yogurt, and other commonly consumed food products.
Batch pasteurization process

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